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What is Caralluma Fimbriata?

What is Caralluma Fimbriata?
Caralluma is in the Asdepiadeceae family. Its star shaped, fleshy flowers usually appear in autumn or summer and tend to be black, purple, yellow or red in color. They are quite foul smelling. The leaves have a tendency to look much like spines. It is found in Africa and India, the Canary Islands, southern Europe and Arabia and Afghanistan. The plants grow in clumps up to 8 inches in height.
A clinical study performed on the Caralluma Fimbriata regarding its level of safety for human consumption in a weight loss product involved a sample of 50 overweight or obese subjects with a BMI greater than 26. In the study, 25 of the subjects received the active compound and 25 received a placebo. No changes were made to the subjects' diets, but they were advised to walk for 30 minutes a day. In the 8 week period of the study, there was no evidence shown to indicate an overall toxicity from the extract.

A second study was conducted in California with 26 overweight patients. Performed at the Western Geriatric Research Institute, the study involved 19 of the subjects on the active compound and 7 on the placebo. More than 60% of the subjects who took the extract lost a minimum of 6 pounds within the month. This study supports the assertion that Caralluma Fimbriata is effective in weight loss. Additionally, it also backed up the results of the previous study concerning the extract's safety. This study, as with the first, experienced no serious adverse events.
